Gallery Editorial Photography by Kristian Schuller

Kristian Schuller adalah seorang fotografer yang berbasis di Paris. Lahir di Rumania, Kristian beremigrasi dengan keluarganya ke Jerman pada usia dini. Ia belajar desain busana dengan Vivienne Westwood dan fotografi dengan FC Gundlach di Universitas Berlin Seni Rupa. Setelah pengenalan awal nya dengan Tiuplah Isabella untuk Condé Nast Publications di London, Kristian terus bekerja secara internasional dengan berbagai majalah mode dan klien komersial. Buku pertamanya, "90 Hari, Satu Mimpi", diterbitkan pada tahun 2010. Penghargaan: Medali Perak "Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2011".

Kristian Schuller is a Paris-based photographer.  Born in Romania, Kristian emigrated with his family to Germany at an early age.  He studied fashion design with Vivienne Westwood and photography with FC Gundlach at the University of Fine Arts Berlin.  After his initial introduction by Isabella Blow to Condé Nast Publications in London, Kristian has continued working internationally with various fashion magazines and commercial clients.  His first book, "90 Days, One Dream", was published in 2010. Award: Silver Medal "Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2011".

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